Tag Archives: Secrets of the Asylum

Update on Secrets of the Asylum

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. I am still selling my book, Secrets of the Asylum, but I can’t travel to promote it for the foreseeable future, for medical reasons. The short version of what happened is: long car trip > deep vein thrombosis (DVT) > pulmonary embolism (PE). Fortunately, I survived, but am still recovering. I’m thankful for excellent medical care and the support of my loving husband, friends, and family.

Because I’m not on the road selling my book, I am relying on online sales. If you have read it already, and liked it, please tell other people about it. Leaving a review and/or a star rating on Amazon would also help sell the book.

If you haven’t read the book, you may be interested to know that the most frequent comment I get about it is, “I couldn’t put it down.” Maybe that will entice you to give it a try.

Please buy from BookBaby because they give me the best royalties. https://store.bookbaby.com/book/secrets-of-the-asylum

Finally, here’s some unsolicited medical advice: if you are going to be driving or flying for an extended period, wear compression socks! I wish I had.