Family & Local History
Mangin, Julianne, “Black Baseball in Norbeck,” The Montgomery County Story, v. 66(1) Spring 2023, p. 10.
Mangin, Julianne, “Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery: 100 Years of Pets, People, and the Stories Behind the Stones” The Montgomery County Story, v. 63(2) Fall 2020.
Mangin, Julianne, “Eddie ‘The Monkey Man’ Bernstein: A Rags to Riches Story,” AGS Quarterly: Bulletin of the Association for Gravestone Studies, v. 45(3), Fall 2021.
Mangin, Julianne, “The Reluctant Genealogist,” Severance Magazine, July 6, 2020.
“From Quebec to Connecticut” Le Forum (Franco-American Centre Franco-Américain, University of Maine, Orono), Spring/Printemps, 2018, pp. 31-33.
Library of Congress blog posts
“Five Questions (Retiree Edition): Julianne Mangin, Network Specialist”
December 16, 2011 by Jennifer Harbster, posted in the Library of Congress blog, Inside Adams.
“Nocturnal Sounds Inspired the Comic Opera The Frogs of Windham”
July 21, 2016 by Julianne Mangin, posted in the Library of Congress blog, In the Muse.
“Tooting our own Kazoo”
January 29, 2010 by Julianne Mangin, posted in the Library of Congress blog, In the Muse.
Folk Dance
The State Folk Dance Conspiracy: Fabricating a National Folk Dance
The Old-Time Herald, v.4(7) p.9-12, Spring 1995.
This article has received renewed interest in late 2017 and early 2018. It was linked to from the online magazines Quartz and AV Club.
Pet Cemetery Stories ( features stories, gleaned from visits to pet cemeteries, about remarkable animals and their devoted humans.
Julie’s Tacky Treasures ( is devoted to the collection of kitsch. I am the host of the annual Tacky Treasures Road Show (latest report).
Clog Palace Memories Project ( commemorates my time as an old-time music promoter and newsletter publisher.
Miscellaneous blog posts
…from a blog I no longer maintain
Lost Washingtoniana: The Garden of Almanalogy and Astrometry
In 1947, confounded by the difficulty of knowing what day of the week a particular date would be, a Washington resident came up with a novel solution.
Hoodoo Marker Quest
My search for a mysterious 19th century boundary stone known as “The Hoodoo Marker.”
From Egg to Monarch in 30 Days
I raised a couple of monarchs from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly. I documented, in photos and video, each stage of the process.
Julie and the Monkey
For our second wedding anniversary, my husband Bob surprised me with an oil painting … a portrait of myself.
The Cluck Stops Here: The Ballad of Mike the Headless Chicken
(via YouTube)