I am pleased to have been asked to speak about my research at the Otis Library in Norwich, Connecticut. The talk will take place on Monday, October 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
I regret that I have not been posting new material on this blog in the past few months. Developing this talk has taken up much of my writing time. In addition, I gave my first talk on my historical research into Aspin Hill Memorial Park, a.k.a Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery earlier this month. You can learn about this project at my other blog, Pet Cemetery Stories.
I hope to get back to blogging after I have delivered my talk at Norwich at the end of this month. Thanks for staying with me, and I hope some of my subscribers will be able to come hear me.
I need help badly. I’ve been doing a geneology on my father and his side of the family. I’ve got quite a bit of information but I’d like to know more. I’ve been told that I’m native american. My father’s mother was supposed to be 100% Cherokee and I recently noticed that my grandfather (father’s dad) was Pequot Indian. I need help finishing my geneaology on my father. Could you help me please and thank you.